India is a multi-religious country which is known for its diverse culture and vast number of festivals. There are innumerable communities living in our country and every festival that is celebrated is synonymous with that particular community. Amongst the Bengali community there is a festival called “Jagadhatri Puja” which is celebrated all over Bengal in the Kartik month of the Bengali calendar. Unlike Durga Puja which is a much more popular festival, Jagadhatri Puja is less popular and is celebrated with much more gaiety and fervour in a smaller scale. U with much gaiety and fervour ona smaller s
I recall my experience of this puja when I had gone to Shibloon, a place in West Bengal, where Jagadhatri Puja is celebrated every year. My aunt whom we lovingly call Masimoni along with my elder cousin brother had invited us on the occasion. Every year she waits in anticipation for us to reach Shibloon during the time of the festival. In the year 2004, we took off time from our busy schedule and visited the place to attend the puja. When we reached there, to my surprise, we found that my uncle and my cousins were also present for the occasion. My sister and I were thrilled to see them present because we were meeting after a gap of five years. The entire evening was spent in chatting and discussions.
The following day was Jagadhatri Puja. We woke up very early to clean up the entire house. After the house was cleaned it was an appropriate time to prepare delicious dishes. The delicacies that were prepared ranged from non-vegetarian to sweet dishes. The dishes included traditional authentic Bengali cuisine like potted meat made out of mutton and a fish cuisine made out of prawns. The sweet dishes consisted of malpua, khaja and goja which is prepared in most Bengali households during the time of any festival. These lip-smacking dishes prepared by my aunt was indeed very tasty.
After having lunch it was time to go out in the evening to see how puja is being celebrated. Having dressed in colourful clothes we went out to witness the puja celebrations. Unlike Durga Puja, where goddess Durga is seen across many pandals, goddess Jagadhatri is worshipped not only in pandals but also inside many temples. We came across many temples and pandals during the course of our visit which were beautifully decorated and quite crowded with people coming from nearby locations of the village. On either side of pandals were vendors who were busy selling samosas, jalebis and other food items. Interested customers were seen buying food items from the vendor. As I am fond of samosas I also bought three samosas for myself, for my sister and for my aunt.
After viewing six or seven pandals and temples, we were escorted by a friend to a place where a stage was prepared and few chairs were placed in front of the stage. A music-band had arrived at that moment to perform in front of the villagers. The band consisted of seven members accompanied by five musicians who could be seen singing various kinds of songs ranging from Bollywood to traditional folk songs. There were many requests from the audience to sing songs of their choice which were sung by the members of the band with much grace and poise. After every song was sung there was a huge round of applause from the audience present. It was a very well organised and entertaining show. We enjoyed the program quite thoroughly after which we returned home.
We felt very tired and exhausted when we reached home. After washing our hands and feet we sat down for a conversation with my uncle and my cousins since we had come together on this auspicious occasion after such a long time. There were endless discussions ranging from different topics and finally my aunt called everyone for dinner. As we had spent so much time outside the house we were quite hungry. Finally we sat down together for a delicious dinner which consisted of potted meat and prawn curry prepared earlier in the day. After a brief conversation we started packing our bags because we were about to return home the following day. My uncle and my cousins packed up their bags because they were leaving too.
The Jagadhatri Puja and the get together was so thrilling that its memories still remain fresh in my mind. Due to coronavirus pandemic and restrictions in travelling we have not been able to visit Shibloon for quite some time. Today I feel sad because my aunt is no more. The Jagadhatri puja festival comes in my mind whenever I think of her. It brings back cherished and fond memories of the time spent with my aunt whom we lovingly call “Masimoni”.
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