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24/02/2023 Salma Shabnam Corporate Views 241 Comments 1 Analytics English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
Are you a “Quick Fix” manager or a “Right Fix” manager ?

Once upon a time, there lived a king who ruled a happy and prosperous kingdom One day the king decided to travel and visit various places in his kingdom He went to distant and remote places that his chariot couldnt reach, so he visited many of those sites on foot Traveling a long distance on foot was a wonderful experience for the king He got to interact with his people and he learned about their life and problems But the king wasnt used to long walks He got severe pain in his legs. He could not tolerate the pain as he walked all the way along the rough path He complained to his ministers that the roads werent comfortable and that they were very rough to walk on The king also expressed his concerns for the people who had to walk along those roads every day For the convenience of the people, the king ordered to cover all the roads in his kingdom with leather The king believed that this will make his peoples life more convenient The ministers were stunned to hear the absurd order from the king Not only was the kings fantasy of having the leather pathway expensive They would have to take the lives of many cattle to get sufficient leather A wise kings advisor came to the king and said that he had a better idea He took the size of the kings feet and made a nice pair of comfortable leather shoes He made the king wear those shoes and walk on the rough paths The king admired the comfortable leather shoes as he did not feel any pain walking on them The king applauded the genius idea that saved money and thousands of cattle lives My Take Forced to do more with less, time-crunched leaders push their people to find the fast-and-easy solution when they encounter a problem But the quick fix is seldom the right fix, and the Band-Aid approach to problem-solving only lasts as long as the adhesive on the back Many times, managers do more damage than good by giving orders or making plans about operations they never worked on or havent worked on for a long time They want to be the ones who "fix" or better a business process without putting in the work and by giving superficial instructions. When the results are not what they planned everyone else is to blame When shortcut solutions become acceptable, employees are programmed to believe that speed trumps quality and cutting corners is the way to get on to the next thing Even when luck plays its hand and the quick-fix remedy is good enough, workers begin to exhibit a shortcut mentality And that can prove hazardous to your organization. Thus When you encounter a problem do not think you are the only one who can come up with the solution Take advice from people who have the necessary experience and knowledge Listen to the ones who have walked the path you have yet not Real change happens bit by bit. It takes great effort to become effortless at anything. There are no quick fixes

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