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08/11/2023 Akash Singh Celebrity Views 583 Comments 1 Analytics Video English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link

Writer: AbdulMumin AbdulQuadir From: Lagos, Nigeria Genre: Romace, dystopia, Young Adult I: How long have you been writing and what made you become a writer ? A: I started writing around 2011/12, but then I wasnt really serious about it, until the 2017, my second year in until i became a writer because I wanted to teach, add value and play my own part in liberating humanity. I could have chosen to be a classroom teacher, but with writing, my teachings will travel across borders and through generations. I: What inspires your work? W: The anomalies, misconceptions and misinformation within the society inspire my works as I try to undo them. I: What do you think is challenging about being a writer? A: A lot is challenging. The fact that the society doesnt really believe in you until you have that silencing breakthrough, having like-minded friends or family, dealing with naysayers, identifying dubious people who will blackmail you emotionally to exploit you and getting the due rewards for your efforts are among the challenging things about being a a writer. I: What advice do you have to other writers who may be struggling to come up with material? A: Well, sh*t happens and life comes in phases. Its a thing that can happen to anyone at anytime and what works for the goose might not work for the gander. Every writer should know his/herself well. A writer should know the place, time and condition in which he is at his best. I: Why do you think poetry and writing are important? A: Its sad that harsh realities of the world have taken many away from the true pleasures of this world. Poetry is the beauty, essence and sense that tranquility and communned values in times past. Writing (whatever genre) on the other hand is a trick that works against death, cos, writers dont die, even when they die. I: What piece of work are you the most proud of and why? A: The one I last wrote. My writing gets better with time and there is always room for improvement. I: Who is your favorite writer and why? A: Every writer is my favorite, because I know what it takes to be a writer. However, Ill say I look forward to Sir Abdurrazaq Gurnah. Moreso my mentees are my favourites, I want to see them breaking grounds and doing what great writers do. The youngest (in writing) of them whose spiritedness I admire is Aisha Yunus. I: What is your goal as a writer? A: To contribute to the betterment of my society and make it a better place for everyone is my topmost goal. Im currently working on a book and it is my wish that one of big wigs that I know, Hajia Zainab Alkali writes the foreword. __________ Abdul Mumin’s Work:

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