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23/02/2025 Chanchal sharma Relationship Views 224 Comments 0 Analytics Video English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
10 Weak points of men which need to be fixed before marriage

Most men think their biggest problems are money, women, or society. But let me tell you: your biggest enemy is yourself. A weak man is not weak because life is hard. He is weak because he refuses to fix his weak points. And until you fix them, you will remain broke, desperate, and easily controlled. (Brutal Thread) 1. A WEAK MAN IS CONTROLLED BY HIS DESIRES. He can’t say no to pleasure. Sex, porn, alcohol, distractions—he falls for all of them. He doesn’t rule his emotions; his emotions rule him. And that’s why he loses every time. 2. A WEAK MAN CAN’T CONTROL HIS MOUTH. He talks too much. He overshares, he gossips, he exposes his plans. Then he wonders why people betray him. Real men move in silence. 3. A WEAK MAN CHASES WOMEN INSTEAD OF CHASING SUCCESS. Instead of building his life, he’s texting, begging, simping, buying gifts for women who don’t respect him. Meanwhile, successful men are busy winning. Women chase winners, not beggars. 4. A WEAK MAN LIVES FOR VALIDATION. He wants approval from everyone. He dresses for others. He talks to impress. He’s scared of rejection. But men who win in life don’t seek approval—they command respect. 5. A WEAK MAN IS ADDICTED TO COMFORT. He wants things to be easy. He avoids struggle. He dodges responsibility. He wants quick money, quick pleasure, quick success. But real men embrace the grind and build their own legacy. 6. A WEAK MAN HAS NO DISCIPLINE. He can’t wake up early. He can’t stay consistent. He can’t say no to distractions. He’s always complaining, always procrastinating. A disciplined man will always crush him in life. 7. A WEAK MAN FEARS LOSING WOMEN. He tolerates disrespect, cheating, emotional games, manipulation because he’s scared to be alone. Strong men walk away without hesitation. 8. A WEAK MAN WASTES HIS TIME. He scrolls social media for hours. He watches Netflix all day. He plays video games nonstop. And then he complains about being broke and unsuccessful. Your time is your life—waste it and you waste yourself. 9. A WEAK MAN CANNOT HANDLE PRESSURE. Life gets hard, and he runs. He quits, he blames, he complains. Meanwhile, strong men use pressure to become stronger, sharper, smarter. 10. A WEAK MAN WANTS PITY, NOT RESPECT. He plays the victim. He wants sympathy. He wants people to feel sorry for him. But respect is never given to weak men—only to those who rise, no matter how hard they fall. Remember: Weak personality brings us weak discissions. This is the best tip for us to fix before getting married and discipline our self. Control our urges, build your value. God bless us all.

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